Chocolate Avocado Protein Pudding

Chocolate Avocado Protein Pudding


Daniel Whitehead

  • Prep Time:10 minutes
  • Cook Time:0 minutes
  • Yield:2 servings

For so long the humble avocado has been unfairly relegated to the salad section, yet this immensely healthy fruit is actually an incredibly versatile ingredient. I'm sure many of you are thinking "yuck, avocado and chocolate...what are you thinking?!" But if you want a healthy alternative to cream and butter in your puddings, then I must insist you give the avocado a won't be disappointed!

There are so many chocolate avocado recipes out there now, such this one from The Pretty BeeThe Yes Chef's delightful creation and an orangey variation from With Style & Grace. So this is by no means an original recipe, but adding whey protein to the mix lends an extra creaminess which really puts this on another level of satisfying richness.

For such a simple recipe the end result is the stuff of dreams; a rich creamy chocolate pudding that's actually really good for you. Ok, so you could argue that the sugar from the honey isn't such a great thing, but it's got to be better than using the standard go-to refined sugar that ends up in regular puddings. And of course, you can use any sweetener you like here, I just prefer honey over stevia and the other various sugar alternatives. I'd also recommend giving date paste a go if you'd prefer another natural option.

Ok then, lets get cracking shall we?



Per serving ()

  • Kcals 322
  • Protein 16g
  • Fibre 15g
  • Carbohydrates 31g
  • Sugars 10g
  • Fats 22g


  1. The riper the avocado the better, if there's no give don't even go there.
  2. This is an obvious one, but if you can't find any really large avocados you can of course use two or three small ones.
  3. If your blender can't cope with the lack of liquid, mashing and mixing with a fork followed by an electric whisk works just as well.
  4. Get experimental: try adding your favourite, coffee, vanilla, raisins...I've stuck with sea salt, as sea salt and chocolate is just divine as it is.


  1. Slice the avocado in two, remove the stone and chop the flesh into slices.
  2. Add to the chopped avocado to a blender, along with the other ingredients.
  3. Give it a good whizz, scrape the mixture off the sides and whizz again. Repeat until it's all thoroughly mixed together. If your blender has a pulse button then this can help immensely.
  4. That's it! You could go all out and have it as one big pudding, or split it into two servings if you're feeling sensible.

Well there you have it, easy as pie! This is easily one of the most satisfyingly easy clean eating creations on earth, so there's really no excuse not to give it a try.

As ever please feel free ask away if you have any questions, and if you do try this yourself please feel free to share your pics with us on PinterestInstagramFacebook or Twitter.

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