There are a whole variety of protein powders available, and there’s not necessarily one best protein powder for everyone over the age of 55. However, by keeping in mind some of the below points, combined with speaking to your doctor or dietitian, you can feel more confident choosing an option that fits your needs.
Protein source and quality
The source and quality of the protein in your protein powder is one of the most important things to keep in mind. By this, we mean what the protein powder is made from (such as whey, egg whites or pea protein), its amino acid and branched-chain amino acid profile, and how easily it can be digested, absorbed and used by your body (what’s known as its bioavailability).
Research into this has leaned towards whey protein and soy protein as the highest-quality proteins available for older adults (13,14). This is because, as well as being complete protein sources with all 9 essential amino acids, both are rapidly digested and absorbed by our bodies. Plant-based proteins may have less of a muscle-building effect due to their lower digestibility and lower essential amino acid content, in particular leucine.
One study has suggested that whey protein, with higher levels of the branched-chain amino acid leucine, is particularly beneficial for supporting muscle health in comparison to casein, soy and pea protein isolates (15).
Transparent ingredient lists
As well as the protein source, taking stock of the ingredients in a protein powder can help you choose the best option for your overall health. For example, avoiding protein powders with added sugar can help you maintain your well-being and avoid the risks of excess sugar in your diet, balancing protein intake with calorie intake (16).
Opting for a protein powder that is genuine and transparent about what goes into the supplement is crucial. You might want to seek out options that avoid artificial additives or use only natural ingredients, for example - by making sure to at least have a glance at the information on offer, you can be more confident in exactly what you’re consuming.