Finding the best protein powder for your health & wellbeing

Finding the best protein powder for your health & wellbeing

Caring for your health and wellbeing is central to getting the most out of life. In fact, in a 2023 wellbeing survey in the UK, self-reported health status was one of the largest contributors to life satisfaction.

Many are turning to protein powders as a convenient way to fuel their daily life, valuing the quick and measurable protein intake they offer. But with so many options on the shelves, how can you tell which is the best protein powder for your overall health and wellbeing?

Our guide below covers some of the factors to look out for when choosing a protein powder to suit your needs, putting you in the best position to make an informed decision for your protein intake.

The role of protein in health & wellness

Self-care looks different for everyone, but a balanced, nutritious diet is a universal part of overall health and wellbeing (1). Maintaining this balance can often be easier said than done, though, when work commitments, family responsibilities, and social life are all vying for your attention.

Protein has a vital role to play in our bodily health and, as such, is an important part of any balanced diet and lifestyle.

The building blocks of optimal health

The right protein levels from the food we consume contribute to the optimal functioning of our bodies, playing a part in functions such as (2):

  • Muscle health and maintenance, and the general growth and maintenance of tissues.

  • Biochemical reactions such as digestion, energy production, blood clotting and muscle contraction.

  • Hormone production such as insulin, glucagon and hGH (human growth hormone).

  • Providing structure to tissues through the synthesis of keratin, collagen, elastin and more.

  • The formation of antibodies to fight infection.

How can protein powders help?

Given the importance of protein in our bodies, ensuring a regular protein intake that aligns with recommendations can help us to thrive and be at our best. In the UK, the recommendation is to eat 0.75g of protein for each kilogram you weigh - on average, that’s 56g of protein a day for men and 45g of protein a day for women (3).

Protein powders are quick and convenient, not only because they can help you incorporate more protein into your diet, but they also offer a more measurable way to track how much protein you are eating daily. 

One 25g scoop of our Pure Unflavoured whey protein powder, for example, gives you 19.8g of protein. By popping this into a shaker with some milk or water, you know you’re on your way to achieving your daily protein intake.

How do I know which is the best protein powder for my health and wellbeing?

Wading through the sea of protein powders on offer can be disorientating. We always strive to offer a transparent, clear route into the world of protein powder, helping our customers to make the best, most informed choices for their optimal health and wellbeing.

When choosing the best protein powder for your overall health and wellbeing, keeping an eye out for the below factors can help you to make the best choice for you.

Choosing the right protein source

The best protein powder is one which suits your individual needs, and this starts with opting for the right protein source to align with your health goals. It’s true that “not all proteins are created equal” - but what exactly does this mean?

Well, a few key points to keep in mind are:

Amino acid profile

All proteins are made up of amino acids, which are commonly known as the “building blocks” for our bodies. 9 of these - known as essential amino acids (4) - cannot be synthesised by the human body. This means we have to supplement them through our diet.

Protein sources such as whey protein or pea protein contain varying amounts of these essential amino acids, making this an important part of choosing the best option for your needs. By choosing what’s known as a ‘complete' protein source, you can rest assured that you’re getting all your essential amino acids in each serving. With an ‘incomplete’ protein source, you may need to supplement your intake of different amino acids through other protein sources, as the amounts of certain amino acids can be low.

Complete protein sources - good amounts of all essential amino acids 

‘Incomplete’ protein sources - lacking in some essential amino acids 

Whey protein

Pea protein (low in methionine)

Casein protein

Rice protein (low in lysine)

Egg white protein

Pumpkin seed protein (low in threonine and lysine)

Soy protein

Sunflower seed protein (low in lysine)

Hemp protein

Bioavailability and digestibility

Another area to consider when selecting the best protein powder for your health goals is bioavailability and digestibility. This considers how well our bodies can digest and absorb the amino acids from the protein source, putting them to work.

This can be measured by two scales: The Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) (5) and Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS) (6). While there has been some debate on which is the best one to use scientifically (with DIAAS typically coming out on top (7)), both essentially evaluate the quality of a protein based on its amino acid content and digestibility.

The former expresses this up to a value of 1.0, showing that the protein will deliver 100% or more of the amino acids required in our diet. The latter doesn’t truncate the scores, making it evident when a higher-quality protein provides 100% or more of the required amino acids.

Depending on your health goals, it can be useful to understand where different protein powders sit on this scale, showing how readily your body can digest and absorb the proteins for use:

 Protein source 



Whey Protein Isolate



Whey Protein Concentrate



Soy Protein Isolate A



Soy Protein Isolate B



Pea Protein



Rice Protein Concentrate



Information taken from Nutrition and Metabolism journal.

Ingredients and sourcing

Beyond the quality of the protein source, and how beneficial it is for achieving your health goals and maintaining your active lifestyle, there are a few other factors to consider when choosing the best protein powder for your health.

Organic options

A good way to determine the quality of a protein powder is by looking out for organic certification where possible. By choosing a protein powder made using organic ingredients and methods, you can feel confident that its impact on the planet and animal welfare has been considered and reduced where possible.

This is particularly important for animal-derived protein supplements, such as whey protein powder. Organic whey protein comes from the milk of cows which have been raised in organic pastures with no hormones or routine antibiotics.

Opting for natural ingredients

Protein powders are a fantastic way to regulate, maintain, and even increase your protein intake, but it’s crucial to keep an eye out for more natural options which avoid unnecessary sugar, artificial additives and sweeteners.

By opting for protein powders with a clear and minimal ingredients list, you can stay on top of exactly what you’re consuming, avoiding spikes in your blood sugar, excess calorie intake, or non-natural ingredients which could irritate your gut.

Consider your body and individual health goals

It goes without saying that the best protein powder for you is one that matches up with your health goals and your body’s needs. Before starting your journey to the right protein powder, consider your current nutritional needs and future health goals. Some examples might be:

Muscle health

If you’re looking to maintain your muscle health, consider opting for a protein powder derived from a complete protein source, and one with high bioavailability which can be easily digested, absorbed, and put to use by your body.

Weight management

Protein plays a key role in satiety and weight management (8) - whey protein, in particular, can lead us to feel fuller for longer (9). If weight loss is one of your main goals, it’s beneficial to avoid protein powders with added sugars. Pay attention to the protein-to-calorie ratio, prioritising those with a higher protein content than carbohydrates and fats.

Intolerances and sensitivities

To choose the best protein powder, you’ll need to consider any intolerances or sensitivities you present. For those with gluten intolerance, look for a protein powder which actively avoids gluten contamination in its processes. For some, a plant-based protein powder might be more optimal - for example, pea protein powder, which is hypoallergenic (10).

Dietary choices

If you have a vegetarian or vegan diet, this will impact your choice of protein powder. Plant-based options, such as soy or rice protein powder, will be suitable for both vegetarians and vegans as they contain no animal-derived products. For vegetarians, some non-vegan protein powders will be suitable, but it’s always recommended to look out for a ‘vegetarian-friendly’ label.

It’s your choice

To choose the best protein powder for your optimal health and wellbeing, it can be useful to consider the points we’ve made in this article. Ultimately, it’s your choice which is best - and that should be empowering! - but if you’re concerned or confused, we’d recommend speaking directly with a nutritionist, dietitian or doctor for personalised advice.

By still prioritising whole food protein sources, and even trialling different protein powders based on your individual health goals and your reaction to them, you can work towards the best protein intake to meet your needs in a fuss-free, versatile way.

Our organic whey protein powders

The above guide gives you an overview of some of the important factors to consider when choosing the best protein powder for your health. If you feel that whey could be the right option for you, why not take a look at our organic whey protein powders which are 100% additive-free, vegetarian-friendly and made with only a few high-quality ingredients?

We’ve got four delicious options - Pure Unflavoured, Madagascan Vanilla, Chocolate (Raw Cacao & Maca), and Banana & Lucuma, and have often been described by our customers and nutritionists as the best protein powder on the market. You’ll have access to third-party tested nutritional profiles for every batch, keeping you in the loop on their nutritional benefits, and we’re also organic-certified.

With a 90-day money-back guarantee (provided no more than 3 servings/75g are missing from the pack) and up to 20% off on our bundles, you can try one or more of our tasty protein powders with complete peace of mind.