New heavy metals test results

New heavy metals test results

Daniel Whitehead

Founder of The Organic Protein Co.

Please see the most recent 2024 test results here.

It's a few years since we originally had our organic whey protein tested for heavy metals, so I'm pleased to say we’ve now received results from the latest batch.  We chose Synlab to do the testing this time, as they are able to more accurately test the levels of each heavy metal.  For example, in the previous test carried out by ALS it stated there is less than 0.005mg Cadmium per kg of whey protein, which is quite vague.  With Synlab we can see there is 0.0017 mg Cadmium per kg.

Heavy metals are virtually impossible to avoid. They are in the food we eat, the products we use and even in the air we breathe. Some foods tend to contain more heavy metals than others, such as fish, rice and leafy green vegetables. As these latest results show, our organic whey protein contains very low levels of heavy metals that are way below the EU limits as defined in Commission Regulations No 1881/2006 and No 629/2008, which is very reassuring indeed.

Heavy metals Lab Results EU Limit
Lead 0.0110 mg/kg 3.0 mg/kg
Arsenic 0.0066 mg/kg No defined limit
Cadmium 0.0017 mg/kg 1.0 mg/kg
Mercury 0.0029 mg/kg 0.1 mg/kg

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