£15,265 Donated to Compassion in World Farming

£15,265 Donated to Compassion in World Farming

Daniel Whitehead

Founder of The Organic Protein Co.

I’m pleased to say we have made another £5000 donation to Compassion in World Farming, bringing to the total raised to £15,265. We raised this money by donating 25p for every pack of our organic whey protein produced, so we owe a massive thanks to all of you who have been buying our organic whey protein – we quite literally couldn’t have raised this money with you!

Compassion in World Farming continues to engage directly with governments (including the UK government) and corporations around the world, ensuring that farm animal welfare stays on the agenda.

One of this year’s most notable achievements was getting 1.6 million signatures for their European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) demanding a ban on all caged farming, meaning the the European Commission is legally obliged to respond. It is only the 5th ECI to reach the required minimum of 1 million signatures and the biggest political push for farm animal welfare that Europe has ever seen.

I look forward to seeing what progress Compassion in World Farming makes in 2020 in helping bring an end to factory farming and we will continue supporting them, as we have done since we launched in 2014.