Cold-pressed whey protein offers a range of benefits that set it apart from conventionally processed alternatives. By preserving the natural structure of whey proteins and their bioactive components, cold-processing delivers a superior, undenatured whey protein that can improve your nutrition and strengthen your overall health.
Protecting whey’s unique bioactive proteins
Protein denaturation is a natural process; in fact, it’s exactly what our bodies do with protein once we’ve eaten it. And, as we saw in the example of boiling an egg, it occurs regularly as we cook our food. In this sense, it’s not necessarily a bad thing.
However, when it comes to your whey protein powders, preventing denaturation as much as possible through low, controlled temperatures preserves its outstanding nutritional value.
This is because whey protein is not only full of essential and branched-chain amino acids but also a number of bioactive protein fractions like Alpha Lactalbumin, Beta Lactoglobulin, Immunoglobulin G and Lactoferrin (find out more about each of these impressive, immune system supporting compounds here).
The use of higher temperatures for longer periods increases the chance of denaturing these vital protein fractions, rendering them useless for your body, which can no longer utilise them. (7)
Additional benefits of cold-pressed whey protein
Cold filtering not only sustains the structural integrity of the whey proteins but also brings additional benefits that improve both the nutritional profile and your enjoyment of the finished product:
- Preserving nutrients: Just as with fruits and vegetables, the vitamins and minerals in whey protein are preserved more effectively without excessive heat, potentially making it more nutritionally valuable than those processed at higher temperatures.
- Mixability: Although mixability might initially seem less than perfect compared to denatured whey protein combined with emulsifiers (such as soy or sunflower lecithin), cold-pressed whey protein eventually dissolves more fully once properly mixed, avoiding any unpleasant bittiness.
- Fresher taste: Avoiding high temperatures also means that cold-processed whey protein often has a fresher, cleaner taste, free from the bitterness and off “cooked” flavours produced by high-temperature processing.