Just in time for Christmas, we've made another donation to Compassion in World Farming. 2016 has been a great year for egg-laying chickens, as Aldi, Asda, Iceland, Lidl, Morrisons and Tesco all committed to sale of cage-free egss, which is fantastic news. Not such a rosy picture for cows though, as cattle exports are up, with depressing stories such as 2,000 Irish bulls being shipped off to Libya under awful conditions and with a rather gruesome end to their journey just to top things off.
This year also saw the continued rise of indoor rearing systems in the UK and worldwide. Did you know 20% of UK dairy farms are now "zero grazing"? That's a great many cows who will never see a single blade of grass.
It's clear that Compassion in World Farming and other animal welfare charities need as much help as they can get to help battle the steady creep of intensive indoor farming systems. We'll continue donating to this vital cause for the foreseeable future, and should you feel the need to chip in too feel free to make a donation here. Of course, for every pack of our Organic Whey Protein you buy we'll be donating 25p as ever :-)
Thank you everyone for your support in 2016, have a great Christmas and here's to a happy New Year!